This post will be in English, because I may refer to it in my e-mail to Threadless. For the English viewers: the rest of the website is in dutch ;-) English is not my native language, so excuse me for the mistakes.

I think I have about 30 t-shirts from Threadless now, so I would consider myself a fan. I like the concept that any creative person could design something, and may get his work printed, and sold. On the other hand I like that I can buy a fairly unique t-shirt for a reasonable price. For a nice design in the stores, you would pay more here. Well, if you buy when Threadless has sales.

So last week two new shirts arrived (Extra pulp and Classico). My partner notices that the shirts seem thinner than the shirts that I bought in the beginning. I already noticed this myself too. I think this first happened with my Pool Party shirt. Since also the support from Threadless is really cool (they once gave me a new shirt, because the one I ordered had tiny holes in it), I decided to ask them on twitter.

I recevied a comment on facebook from my friend Bert, who also noticed that quality is not what it used to be. He says shirts and/or hoodies get out of model, shrink, etc. So we are both curious what’s going on. Fortunately threadless replied that I should send them a mail regarding this issue.

So I decided to run a little test, putting some older shirts and my newest shirts on a scale. A cooking scale, because that’s more precise. I took some pictures of it… so here we go.

Ok, this shirt has quite a big print on it, which may cost some extra weight. So I tried with other shirts, with tiny prints as well.


So as you can see, all shirts weight around 180 grams. Now the new shirts.

The new shirts are a bit below 150 grams. The question is: why?

Let’s hope Threadless can answer that. I will update this post with their reply.